Personal Musings

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Prof Wendy Doniger: An errata please!

My comment to "The Hindu" article(available here).
The author valiantly puts forth an argument for free speech. Comparing the earlier action of Penguin with its current actions, according to the author, proves that "anti-liberal" lot are so against freedom of expression.

The reason why all mature democracies have defamation laws is to counter the off chance that people might misuse this right.

In the given instance, it seems the author had not read the said book, or is unaware of the mistakes in the work. Prof Doniger has the right to express whatsoever she please, as long as they are facts verifiable in a court of law. A Judge had read enough of the book to state that the material is defamatory. Prof Doniger can provide a written response to prove her innocence. If she had listened to the errors pointed out and released an errata, Penguin would still be publishing the book.

It's still not late. Prof Doniger has ample space available to prove her point.

(I will probably follow this up with a more detailed post later on.)


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